See my article posted on
What Is Awareness Based Yoga? – Combining Feldenkrais and Yoga – By Barbara Anderson At age 15 I found Richard Hittleman’s “28 days of Yoga” book in a local grocery store and began teaching myself [...]
At the age of 75, I signed up for a women’s hiking trip in Jordan.
I spent the past weekend in a training creating a life vision for 20 years out. Many people were working on health in the body and envisioning themselves traveling in their 60s, 70s and 80s. [...]
A short story told from my body’s point of view
Here is a short story told from my body's point of view. Being human you live in a physical body. You have no choice about that. And what stories your body can tell! Each body [...]
Create Your Space
A redesigned Body & Soul K.C. opened on January 1, 2020 It was a lovely space for yoga and Feldenkrais classes. It was warm and comfy with new flooring and new colors and calming lighting. [...]
Let’s Talk About Chronic Pain: How It Came To Be And How To Change It.
My personal journey with chronic pain. by, Barbara Anderson As is so often the case, my journey into body awareness began with a personal injury. I began studying dance at the ripe, [...]
Choose Rest Over Stress: Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga is about slowing down and creating comfort. A Restorative yoga class involves taking a “handful” of yoga poses and staying in each for an extended period of time.This allows you, the student,to more [...]